Packing your baby bag takes strategic thinking and planning. Questions range from "what to pack" and "how to pack", but sometimes there are "what if" scenarios such as, "what if my baby has a dirty diaper every 30 minutes" or "what if my toddler decides to take a hop in a puddle". It also depends on what kind of parent you are. Are you a mom who needs to bring literally EVERYTHING from the nursery room to feel safe? Or are you a light packer who is comfortable with just a few essentials?
I think the word we all need to think about is EFFICIENCY!!!
After two babies in less than 2 years, I have learned the hard way and now I can proudly say, I am a professional baby bag packer! For my first baby Noah, I definitely overpacked. Even for a short 2-3 hour trip I packed way too many things, and my baby bag was HUGE. But when my second baby, Noelle was born, I was determined to find a solution because I had to pack for TWO babies. Noah is now a 27 month toddler, and Noelle is a 7 month baby. They need their own set of items such as different diapers, toys, food and change of clothes. For Noah it has become a lot easier because he can eat most of what I eat, and can understand when mommy tells him not to spill things everywhere. But for Noelle I need to bring the bottles, solids, blankets... everything. However, this time around I learned my lesson from before, and I will show you how efficiently I packed our Unisex Courage Backpack with stuff for both my babies.
What do you think? Please share your thoughts and if you think I should add or eliminate certain items, let us know!
Written by Julia Min.